Many people that are selling their home these days don’t have a lot of funds to make expensive upgrades. To help you get the most bang for your buck, make these budget friendly changes.
Clean it like you mean it! Nothing helps a first impression more than having a professional cleaning indoors and out. This means going beyond your basics and should include baseboards, polishing kitchen cabinets, windows and cleaning appliances inside and out. Don’t forget to clean out and organize your refrigerator as people like to look in there as well. Power wash the outside and clean windows and patio doors as well.
Let there be light! Make sure light bulbs are installed in each room and outside. It can make an amazing difference in how your rooms show both in person and in your professional pictures (which are a MUST).
Spruce up your curb appeal. Add a new doormat, planting some annuals or perennials that will cheer up your space. A decorative bench or chair with colorful pillows that match your flowers will help tie it all together.